
Monday, April 28, 2014

Sweet Start Monday

Welcome to a Sweet Start Monday, where I share current highlights of my sweetness: places, people, things in my life that bring me bliss. Let's all start the week by reflecting on the positive things in our lives!

This past week and weekend featured some beautiful weather (with a huge rainstorm thrown into the mix). I think spring and warm weather are officially here to stay!!! Warmer weather makes me feel more social. I want to do so many things!

We spent all day Saturday outside enjoying the 80 degree weather at a Richmond NASCAR tailgate. It's always an experience...and, truthfully, one I think I've nearly outgrown. As a result of much sun and sangria, I made it to bed at an extremely reasonable hour---8:30PM!---and got close to 10 hours of (much needed) sleep. It made for a very productive Sunday: church, brunch, laundry, grocery shopping, an 1-hour run/walk, started a new book and some meal prep for the week.

What I'm most thankful about, weather aside, is my growing effort towards making it to church every Sunday. It's not always convenient, but it's something I grew up doing. I lost the habit a few years ago and through some encouragement, am slowly making a comeback. When it's time, it's time. And I'm hoping I can continue the effort throughout the summer. The biggest excuse I've latched onto is not having enough time, weekends being too unpredictable to actually "plan" to go. Truthfully, being in the working world has made me want to do nothing but fun things for myself during the weekend. There are so many things I have to do during the week that I feel like I've earned two days free of commitments. Right? Can anyone else relate?

The real, real truth is: Going to church IS for me. God provides peace, hope, understanding, direction...things that lately I've been trying and failing to find on my own.

Your turn! Tell me about your sweetness! 
What are you excited, happy about or thankful for this week?

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