
Monday, January 27, 2014

Sweet Start Monday

It's nice to focus on the sweet stuff in our lives once and a while. Brownies, cookies, and cake? No, not those things. I'm talking about the things in our lives that make us feel good. The hopeful, inspiring, joyous, positive moments that make take the weight off our shoulders, bring smiles to our faces, and warm our hearts. 

In earlier days of Pursuit of Sweetness, I ended each post by mentioning one thing that made my life happy and more complete. Over the following months, that closing line slowly disappeared and posts began to focus more on the literal sense of sweetness. 

Let's bring it back, people. 

I'm declaring Monday as my pursuit of sweetness day, or (for post naming purposes) Sweet Start Mondays. I'll tell you about my little world: what's been good, what's getting better, successes and joys and inspiration. What better day than Monday to highlight and celebrate life's sweetness? A healthy breakfast can lead to a day full of healthy decisions; so let's start out with a positive Monday for a positive week. 

Let's kick it off with the heavy stuff: Those close to me know that my foot injury has been a big source of sadness lately. Now over one month after the onset of foot pain, I am officially in a boot to treat my stress fracture / whatever else is wrong with my foot. I'm viewing this slight inconvenience is progress and it's greatly lifted my mood. As I briefly mentioned in this post, this is my first fitness injury ever. As a result, I've probably taken it harder than most people would. 

BUT! By wearing this boot, I'm actually doing something to help it heal. I'm walking (relatively) normal, rather than on the outside of my foot. I can wear heeled shoes because the boot is already slightly lifted. I'm allowed to do low-impact cardio (like the elliptical) with it on. I now have a doctor to help monitor my progress. And the first question she asked me: What upcoming race are you trying to run? I almost cried right then and there. Of course I'll get better! I will run again! The hope she and this boot has given me is such a gift. The boot has even caused strangers to step out and comfort me with their own stories of injury and recovery. I think the fitness community has overwhelmed everyone with their incredibly uniting support lately.   

Oh, and did you hear that it snowed last Tuesday? Schools in central Virginia had practically an entire week off of school because of the 2-3 inches. It didn't affect my workweek much, other than being allowed to come in to work a little later Wednesday morning. It was impossible to complain with the peaceful views of the riverbanks and city dusted in white from our office.

Your turn! Tell me about your sweetness! 
What are you happy about or thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. At the end of (almost) every night I've been taking a few minutes to write down the things that make me smile so I end the day on a happy note. Today's smile came from watching Maddux run. His crooked little legs are so funny when they're moving fast :-) Way to keep things positive, Val!
